To be unable to decide between two options.
When someone is "on the fence" about something, they are unsure about what to do or what to think. They haven't made a decision yet because they see both sides of the issue.
Lucy is on the fence about which way she goes.
Luci je na ogradi kojim putem ide.
For anyone who is on the fence about studying abroad in Budapest, do not be.
Za svakoga ko je na ogradi o studiranju u inostranstvu u Budimpešti, nemojte biti.
There’s not very many people who are on the fence.
Nema mnogo ljudi koji su na ogradi.
- I would be on the fence, I'm gonna be honest with you.
- Bio bih na ogradi, biću iskren prema vama.
I'd be on the fence about a three depends on the boat captain.
Bio bih na ogradi oko tri, zavisno od kapetana broda.
Everybody is on the fence, and I don't feel like we have a good two candidates.
Svi su na ogradi i ne osećam se kao da imamo dobra dva kandidata.
To be on the fence about something.
Da budem na ogradi zbog nečega.
Especially for the 20% that are on the fence.
Posebno za 20% koji su na ogradi.
But the good news is we don’t have to be on the fence any more.
Ali dobra vest je da više ne moramo biti na ogradi.
To me, it sounds like this gentleman is on the fence.
Za mene zvuči kao da je ovaj gospodin na ogradi.
They are on the fence of buying, but then they abandon.
Oni su na ogradi kupovine, ali onda napuštaju.
BD: Well now, let's talk about those people that still might be on the fence.
BD: Pa sada, hajde da razgovaramo o onim ljudima koji bi još uvek mogli biti na ogradi.
And so I think we knew who was going to be those senators who are on the fence.
I tako mislim da smo znali ko će biti oni senatori koji su na ogradi.
If you are on the fence, all my programs have a 30-day money back guarantee.
Ako ste na ogradi, svi moji programi imaju 30-dnevnu garanciju povrata novca.
Well be on the fence no more.
Pa ne budi više na ogradi.
Next thing I am on the fence about is this foundation.
Sledeća stvar oko koje sam na ogradi je ovaj temelj.
So, Do you have any advice for someone who is on the fence about enrolling?
Dakle, Imate li neki savet za nekoga ko je na ogradi o upisu?
I am on the fence about that.
Ja sam na ogradi zbog toga.
I am on the fence with it.
Ja sam na ogradi sa njom.
Marco Rubio sounds to be on the fence.
Marko Rubio zvuči kao da je na ogradi.
Maybe the local orcs are on the fence about helping the villain.
Možda su lokalni orci na ogradi da pomognu negativcu.
And if anyone out there is on the fence about having children, read this book.
A ako je neko tamo na ogradi o tome da ima decu, pročitajte ovu knjigu.
And it's another reminder for folks who might be on the fence thinking about.
I to je još jedan podsetnik za ljude koji možda razmišljaju o ogradi.
And what about that veteran who is on the fence?
A šta je sa onim veteranom koji je na ogradi?
It's not for people who are on the fence about being in sales.
Nije za ljude koji su na ogradi zbog prodaje.
when you can be on the fence, at Savage Race?
kada možete biti na ogradi, u Savage Race?
Some doctors might be on the fence because they have to pay back their loans.
Neki lekari mogu biti na ogradi jer moraju da vrate kredite.
And there's a second group who are on the fence.
A tu je i druga grupa koja je na ogradi.
How do we reach those people that may be on the fence right now?
Kako da dođemo do onih ljudi koji su trenutno možda na ogradi?
I know a few of you are on the fence, so what are your thoughts on the topic?
Znam da je nekoliko vas na ogradi, pa šta mislite o toj temi?
Economists are on the fence about whether they work or not.
Ekonomisti su na ogradi oko toga da li rade ili ne.
Nodens is on the fence about the whole thing.
Nodens je na ogradi oko cele stvari.
It is On the Fence by Kasie West. Absolutely adorable!
Na ogradi je Kasie Vest. Apsolutno divno!
Those few voters who may still be on the fence.
Onih nekoliko birača koji su možda još uvek na ogradi.