A plan showing times for events or activities.
A schedule is a detailed plan that outlines the times at which specific events or activities are intended to occur. It serves as a tool for organization and time management, ensuring that individuals are aware of what to expect and when.
Although that would be a great schedule for most people.
Iako bi to bio odličan raspored za većinu ljudi.
This is what a typical summer day looks like on this rate schedule.
Ovako izgleda tipičan letnji dan na ovom rasporedu cena.
Your sleep schedule communicates how and when you work at your best.
Vaš raspored spavanja komunicira kako i kada radite najbolje.
Keep me up-to-date with the whole schedule and everything.
Držite me u toku sa čitavim rasporedom i svime.
Not everyone operates on the same sleep schedule.
Ne rade svi po istom rasporedu spavanja.
Keeping a planner is a great way to schedule and organize your time.
Održavanje planera je odličan način da zakažete i organizujete svoje vreme.
By the nature of a cruise schedule, dinners are at sea.
Po prirodi rasporeda krstarenja, večere su na moru.
It generates recommended security schedules for the airport.
Generiše preporučene bezbednosne rasporede za aerodrom.
Does a Japanese planner sound like the perfect way to organize your schedule?
Da li japanski planer zvuči kao savršen način da organizujete svoj raspored?
This is a super scheduled house.
Ovo je super planirana kuća.
Certain features can be harder to access depending on your personal schedule.
Određenim funkcijama može biti teže pristupiti u zavisnosti od vašeg ličnog rasporeda.
Another tip I have is just schedule in rest and fun.
Još jedan savet koji imam je samo raspored odmora i zabave.
I'm still on schedule.
Još uvek sam na rasporedu.
We've got a packed schedule -- five periods from now till 1:45 Pacific.
Imamo prepun raspored - pet perioda od sada do 1:45 Pacifika.
Which a lot of people now don't, they have a very strict schedule.
Što mnogi ljudi sada nemaju, imaju vrlo strog raspored.
You can tell what's important to someone by what they schedule.
Možete reći šta je nekome važno po onome što zakaže.
You can tailor it around your class schedule, which was awesome.
Možete ga prilagoditi rasporedu nastave, što je bilo sjajno.
A simple schedule for you would be something like this.
Jednostavan raspored za vas bio bi ovako nešto.
Even though we were on a schedule, we experienced so much in so little time.
Iako smo bili na rasporedu, toliko smo iskusili za tako malo vremena.
Avoid the temptation to over schedule your day.
Izbegavajte iskušenje da prerasporedite svoj dan.
From the beginning of time, people have scheduled their prayer times.
Od početka vremena ljudi su zakazali vreme molitve.
But there is *one place* you gotta go to, to pick up a schedule.
Ali postoji * jedno mesto* na koje morate otići, da biste pokupili raspored.
Managing your time means keeping a schedule of what's important to you.
Upravljanje vremenom znači voditi raspored onoga što vam je važno.
They can use it to view and manage their schedule no matter where they are.
Oni ga mogu koristiti za pregled i upravljanje svojim rasporedom bez obzira gde se nalaze.
And so this is actually my block schedule planner.
I tako je ovo zapravo moj planer blokova rasporeda.
Try and stay on the same schedule as much as possible.
Pokušajte da ostanete na istom rasporedu što je više moguće.
But I feel like I'm gonna have a lot more time, flexible schedule.
Ali osećam se kao da ću imati mnogo više vremena, fleksibilnog rasporeda.
So, today I wanted to talk a little bit about our summer schedule.
Dakle, danas sam želeo da malo razgovaram o našem letnjem rasporedu.
I've had some questions in here about schedules in general.
Ovde sam imao nekoliko pitanja o rasporedu uopšte.
We schedule them around our schedule, we schedule them around their schedule.
Zakažemo ih po našem rasporedu, raspoređujemo ih po njihovom rasporedu.
The traditional form of the Uberman schedule consists of taking six naps a day.
Tradicionalni oblik Ubermanovog rasporeda sastoji se od šest drijemanja dnevno.
Your sleep schedule fits with society’s schedule.
Vaš raspored spavanja odgovara rasporedu društva.
You make it so that I can carve out time in my schedule for this show.
Učinite to tako da mogu da izdvojim vreme u svom rasporedu za ovu emisiju.
We must first lay the foundations, or fixed elements, of our daily schedule.
Prvo moramo postaviti temelje ili fiksne elemente našeg dnevnog rasporeda.
He has a completely normal presidential schedule.
On ima potpuno normalan predsednički raspored.
Be very focused, have a schedule, try to stick to it as much as you can.
Budite veoma fokusirani, imajte raspored, pokušajte da ga se držite koliko god možete.
The first step in creating the study plan was laying out my daily schedule.
Prvi korak u kreiranju plana studije bio je postavljanje mog dnevnog rasporeda.
Maybe you could just tell us a little bit about what that schedule looks like.
Možda biste nam mogli samo reći nešto o tome kako izgleda taj raspored.
Now, small breaks should be a regular occurrence in your schedule.
Sada bi male pauze trebale biti redovna pojava u vašem rasporedu.
Look at this schedule!
Pogledajte ovaj raspored!
We're just enjoying life on our own schedule.
Mi samo uživamo u životu po sopstvenom rasporedu.
We go over the schedule, what things to expect for the week.
Prelazimo na raspored, šta možemo očekivati za nedelju dana.
When I figure out this schedule, then we can go over next week's schedule.
Kada shvatim ovaj raspored, onda možemo da pređemo na raspored sledeće nedelje.
Number one, put yourself on a schedule and publish on a regular basis.
Broj jedan, stavite se na raspored i redovno objavljujte.
There's football schedules, and then there's you.
Postoji fudbalski raspored, a tu si ti.
The 1st AD uses the shot list to plan the daily schedule.
Prvi AD koristi listu snimaka za planiranje dnevnog rasporeda.
So we're on a schedule where we homeschool at home, what days?
Dakle, imamo raspored gde školujemo kod kuće, koje dane?
And when you do that, you need to look at your life schedule.
A kada to uradite, morate pogledati svoj životni raspored.
Cause I was so focused on what my schedule should be.
Jer sam bio toliko fokusiran na to kakav bi trebao biti moj raspored.
Two, I have a really flexible schedule that I can set myself.
Drugo, imam zaista fleksibilan raspored koji mogu sam da postavim.
I schedule time each day to expand my mind.
Svakog dana zakazujem vreme da proširim svoj um.
I'm so all over the place with what I do, 'cause I don't have a schedule.
Tako sam svuda sa onim što radim, jer nemam raspored.
The first one and the base reason is I just didn't schedule enough time.
Prvi i osnovni razlog je što jednostavno nisam zakazao dovoljno vremena.
And it was like, a pretty reasonable schedule, I thought.
I to je bio prilično razuman raspored, pomislio sam.
What does my schedule look like without this on it?
Kako izgleda moj raspored bez ovoga na njemu?
At a glance, Karen can see her upcoming schedules.
Na prvi pogled, Karen može da vidi svoje predstojeće rasporede.
And never in my schedule have I ever had a couple months free.
I nikada u svom rasporedu nisam imao nekoliko meseci slobodnog.
To plan something for a specific time.
To schedule something means to determine a specific time for it to happen and make the necessary arrangements to ensure its occurrence.
Now I'm shifting my schedule, trying to figure out how to make this all work.
Sada menjam raspored, pokušavajući da shvatim kako da sve ovo funkcioniše.
This will be the 10th launch scheduled for the Falcon Heavy.
Ovo će biti 10. lansiranje zakazano za Falcon Heavi.
You want snack, on the schedule.
Želite užinu, po rasporedu.
Yeah, so then the next step would be to schedule it.
Da, pa bi onda sledeći korak bio da ga zakažete.
And you can also schedule the sale as well.
Takođe možete zakazati prodaju.
So the browser schedules these resources.
Dakle, pregledač zakazuje ove resurse.
And there's two ways to schedule these meetings.
Postoje dva načina da zakažete ove sastanke.
And at the same time, we can reschedule it for a different time.
U isto vreme, možemo da ga preraskažemo za drugo vreme.
Number three is schedule it.
Broj tri je zakazivanje.
She scheduled her worry.
Zakazala je svoju brigu.
Deepwater Horizon was scheduled to take over when the calendar flipped to 2010.
Deepvater Horizon je trebalo da preuzme vlast kada je kalendar prešao na 2010.
And so we didn't schedule a laboratory period for this course.
I tako nismo zakazali laboratorijski period za ovaj kurs.
You make it so that I can carve out time in my schedule for this show.
Učinite to tako da mogu da izdvojim vreme u svom rasporedu za ovu emisiju.
KBM can then real time schedule your guest operating systems Zen can't do that.
KBM tada može u realnom vremenu zakazati vaše gostujuće operativne sisteme Zen to ne može učiniti.
Then they would want to schedule another 90-minute work block.
Tada bi želeli da zakažu još 90-minutni radni blok.
So for like schedule, it's more convenient to schedule during the day.
Dakle, za sličan raspored, pogodnije je zakazati tokom dana.
And apparently once you create your schedule!
I očigledno kada napravite svoj raspored!
Or I can click this arrow here and choose to schedule the post.
Ili mogu da kliknem na ovu strelicu ovde i izaberem da zakažem post.
Hey, are you ready to do your schedule?
Hej, jesi li spreman da uradiš svoj raspored?
You'll see here, I simply click schedule.
Videćete ovde, jednostavno kliknem na raspored.
Do you want me to schedule a followup?
Da li želite da zakažem praćenje?
If you want to be consistent you have to schedule your priorities.
Ako želite da budete dosledni, morate zakazati svoje prioritete.
And it creates a single button that's says schedule trigger.
I stvara jedno dugme koje kaže okidač rasporeda.
Sure. Can I schedule the appointment for 11?
Naravno. Mogu li zakazati termin za 11?
Time to schedule the online lesson.
Vreme je za zakazivanje onlajn lekcije.
I schedule time each day to expand my mind.
Svakog dana zakazujem vreme da proširim svoj um.
>> Clause 2G1 of rule 11 requires you to schedule a minority hearing day.
>> Klauzula 2G1 pravila 11 zahteva da zakažete dan saslušanja manjine.
We don't schedule calls. This is in progress.
Ne zakazujemo pozive. Ovo je u toku.
We had to have some work done on our van that was already scheduled.
Morali smo obaviti neki posao na našem kombiju koji je već bio zakazan.
"We need to schedule it now." And I said, "I'm not coming in three weeks.
„Moramo to da zakažemo sada.“ Rekao sam: „Neću doći za tri nedelje.
I'm scheduled to be done with high school before I give birth.
Planirano je da završim srednju školu pre porođaja.