Bon appetit

Învață cum să pronunți corect și să folosești eficient "Bon appetit" în engleză

bon · ap·pe·tit

/bɒn æpəˈtiː/

Traduction "Bon appetit" de l'anglais au roumain:

Poftă bună

Expresia "Bon appétit/Poftă bună" este folosită pentru a le ura cuiva poftă bună înainte de a începe o masă. Este un gest politicos care exprimă dorința unei mese plăcute.
The phrase "Bon appétit" is a French expression that translates to "Good appetite" or "Enjoy your meal" in English. It is commonly used to wish someone a good and enjoyable eating experience before they start their meal. The expression is often used as a polite and friendly way to encourage people to savor and enjoy their food. In English-speaking cultures, it has become a widely adopted and understood term, especially in the context of sharing meals and dining etiquette.

Bon appetit 🍽️😋


Enjoy your meal

A French phrase used to wish someone a pleasant meal before they start eating. It is a polite way to show that you hope they will enjoy their food.

Example use


  • Enjoy your meal
  • Have a nice meal
  • Tuck in
  • Have a good meal
  • Eat well



    He's just like Bon Appetit in that way and in literally no others.


    El este la fel ca Bon Appetit în acest fel și în literalmente nimeni altul.


    This snack’s worth looking stupid for. Bon appetit to me!!


    Această gustare merită să te uiți prost. Bon apetit pentru mine!


    Well, bon appetit for myself, I guess?


    Ei bine, pofta bună pentru mine, cred?

    • Dinner is served! Bon appetit, everyone.
    • I made your favorite pasta. Bon appetit!
    • Bon appetit! I hope you like the food.
    • Bon appetit, everyone! I hope you enjoy the dinner I prepared.
    • I'm going to start eating now. Bon appetit!
    • She smiled and said, 'Bon appetit,' before starting to eat.
    • I'm so hungry, I can't wait to dig in. Bon appetit!