Bon appetit

Tanulja meg, hogyan ejtse ki és használja hatékonyan "Bon appetit" az angol

bon · ap·pe·tit

/bɒn æpəˈtiː/

Fordítás "Bon appetit" angolról magyarra:

Jó étvágyat

A "Bon appétit" egy francia kifejezés, amely jó étvágyat kíván az étkezés előtt vagy alatt, kifejezve az étel élvezetét.
The phrase "Bon appétit" is a French expression that translates to "Good appetite" or "Enjoy your meal" in English. It is commonly used to wish someone a good and enjoyable eating experience before they start their meal. The expression is often used as a polite and friendly way to encourage people to savor and enjoy their food. In English-speaking cultures, it has become a widely adopted and understood term, especially in the context of sharing meals and dining etiquette.

Bon appetit 🍽️😋


Enjoy your meal

A French phrase used to wish someone a pleasant meal before they start eating. It is a polite way to show that you hope they will enjoy their food.

Example use


  • Enjoy your meal
  • Have a nice meal
  • Tuck in
  • Have a good meal
  • Eat well



    He's just like Bon Appetit in that way and in literally no others.


    Ilyen módon olyan, mint a Bon Appetit, és szó szerint nincs más.


    This snack’s worth looking stupid for. Bon appetit to me!!


    Erre a harapnivalóra érdemes hülyén kinézni. Jó étvágyat nekem!!


    Well, bon appetit for myself, I guess?


    Nos, jó étvágyat magamnak, azt hiszem?

    • Dinner is served! Bon appetit, everyone.
    • I made your favorite pasta. Bon appetit!
    • Bon appetit! I hope you like the food.
    • Bon appetit, everyone! I hope you enjoy the dinner I prepared.
    • I'm going to start eating now. Bon appetit!
    • She smiled and said, 'Bon appetit,' before starting to eat.
    • I'm so hungry, I can't wait to dig in. Bon appetit!