to understand or find the answer to something
To understand or find the answer to a problem or situation after thinking about it or studying it.
You solve them by moving towards them and figuring out what's going on.
And that was how we figured out whether we had product market fit or not.
We're all still trying to figure out what- - Mm-hm.
Now I'm shifting my schedule, trying to figure out how to make this all work.
I say I'm figuring out this page for literally like five seconds ago.
And right off the bat, I was able to figure out the onion skin pretty quickly.
I have to figure out how mainstream you want to be.
MARISHA: Do I need to figure out how far exactly Vorugal is from us?
I do the basically minimal sketch and figure out all the details when I ink.
I figured out how to get a little mayonnaise.
And like, you're just like, trying to figure out how do you meet women?
2017, I figured out I could finally monetize my .
And also I'm assuming they were having issues with figuring out refrigeration.
I'm just interested in figuring out the new structure of the possibility space.
Okay, I finally figured out what I'm supposed to do.
I figured out something from this point.
Eventually you figure out you're somewhere in Burbank.
And then once you have edge, figuring out how much to bet on that edge.
If you know the time in two places, you can figure out longitude.
Oh, I figured out how to dodge.
Once you know what to look for, it's easier to figure out what it is.
Once we figured out void egg, the word separations made more sense.
I collapse on the ground I'm trying to figure out how to breathe.
She was trying to disable, and figure out what the fuck was going on.
We're figuring out the oil feed and return stuff with it.
ASHLEY: I did know that. We're trying to figure out how to save you.
Have you also figured out how you will build that office out?
Archimedes figured out how to deal with a curve with a parabola.
So we figured out a second potential issue for codigniter apps.
Our source code, the stuff in our brains to figure out?
They're trying to figure out some bug in their code.
I had to figure out the American style cake a little bit for myself.
I would love to just get to the bottom of that and figure out what's going on.
Okay, I've figured out a lot of stuff since I've been here. - Okay.
Now, who can figure out how to tip these things over to get treats out?
♪ I've yet to figure out why this has such a lid.
She looks around as if to try to figure out if she's got a chance of running.
To even start this puzzle, you gotta figure out three different codes.
I think we figured out who you're talking to.
You broke it down, we figured out it's protons, neutrons and electrons...
So I'm figuring out how I want to route the pull cable.
We've so far figured out the derivative of this entire expression, right?
Oda couldn’t figure out how to make Franky’s shoulders any bigger.
I'm very honest with myself, so I figure out the ways people can tell me no.
So you're whole thing is to figure out what that is.
I'm still trying to figure out what that actually means.
I think that we have to figure out how to be bridge builders.
I'm trying to figure out what to do about that, let me just color it all in.
And then I figured out how to apply it so I'd get a discrete log.
Figuring out when to when to buy their supplies and when to sell their product.
Yeah, I'm not so sure I've figured out how to translate that into other stuff.
The Devil figured you out. He figured out if he can get you running, Bam! Boom!
Have you figured out how to get home and lifestyle Instagram accounts?
And frame of reference questions, it's hard to figure out how to define that.
Grandma, we'll figure out.
We had figured out he was gonna do that.
Well, we faced— Let's figure out our next train.
So you tell me that, then I figure out how fit you are just by a few questions.
You need to figure out who you are and go all in.
I was torn to figure out what to wear to church today.
And some kid figured out how to get around it.
I wonder how long it took before anybody figured out what was going on.
Okay we'll just kind of plop some of this in kind of figure out where it goes.
I'm just splitting my attention, trying to figure out what to deal with.
That's not a very hard thing to figure out.
What you have to figure out is, what does confidence mean to you?
Me trying to figure out shapes that works, changing earrings.
Well, God doesn't leave it up for us to figure out how to do His will.
This is when they figured out that Uranium 235 could fission.
I just figured out, I'm doing Twitter all wrong.
And he hasn't figured out that the back is missing yet.
It's not three-star, I haven't figured out four star, but where yet.
Some so much so that we’ve only just figured out how they truly work.
The huge spires that we couldn't figure out what they were, but they were...
That's how I envision this journey of figuring out your life.
Now I can't figure out… This is what I've been trying to figure out.
This is the most important part in figuring out what story to tell.
Well, what we figured out is that that you have to be in the markets.
I'm having problems figuring out what my talent is.
We figured out that she, she has a higher percentage right now.
I gotta figure out why, like Ma, what are you doing?
All we’d have to do is figure out how to generate the field.
This paradox is what medical researchers are trying to figure out.
Here's me trying to figure out how to do this whole segment.
I just need to figure out how to get out of here as quickly as possible.
I figured out the Flannery puzzle!
Cool, you figured out how to say it.
Well, then you actually need to figure out exactly what's equivalent to what.
Yeah, no, I never figured out why I wouldn't run on that.
Is that when people figured out that they were connected?
And, how do we figure out which is which?
Yeah, and I think figuring out exactly how it works is really, .
Still figuring out how to co-parent with Cory was new.
We better figure out what we're doing wrong.
You just need to figure out your truth.
See what I can figure out here.
With nobody else figuring out his true identity for quite some time.
So I figured out what I'm gonna do with all those jars there.
Did you figure out that it’s a coffin?
So, no, I mean, I've tried to figure out why I've become so ill.
And so, at that point, your goal is to figure out who those people are.
Although I have to swatch and figure out what colors these are.
We are still figuring out why all of these things are exciting to us, right?
Yeah, I used to, I pretty much figured out by now.
Let's start tearing this thing apart and figuring out what we have to do.
We can figure out what's the answer must be.
We've just been talking to people trying to figure out what's up.
Then like then everything was figured out.
See, they figured out it's better...
I figured out I'm not playing a cop, I'm playing a corrupt cop.
It is there to distract you to think you've got it figured out.
And so that means I needed to figure out how it gets there.
Hayden also figured out quite a lot about the geology.
However, I think I figured out a way to stop these things.
So if we measure the distance, we can figure out the lookback time.
So this is all getting figured out in the Oregon case.
And I did, I figured out the whole function of all three houses and- Yeah.
Which is how he figured out that oxygen is an odorless, tasteless gas.
Like I was like, like I'm gonna figure out that.
So I figured out all of the different scenarios.
Have you guys figured out what's going on yet?
Finally, we figured out a way to add flowers back onto the tree!
But the biggest benefit is the one we never would have figured out.
TALIESIN: Should I roll to figure out that this is probably an active volcano?
I just figured out the code.
Figure out how to get people to not fall off roofs.
I can figure out what 10,000 of many different types of candies weigh.
We need some time to figure out how we feel.
You got it all figured out, don't you?
Now, we're figuring out how to replace our mental work by machines.
So it wasn't hard to figure out where it was be this time.
Mainly figuring out what condition the thing was in.
I got the door bars all figured out but I like them.
I wanted to figure out what created it.
It's not him figuring out what you want and desire.
I have to figure out what this number m is.
So what I need to do is figure out how to make a rat stand this way.
We'll just have to stay here until we figure out our next move.
It was to figure out what little q a firm chooses.
Okay. They figured out what he did. They analyzed the tape. They realized...
So you can, you know, figure out that what BP, uh, Macondo oil well, right?
I'm still figuring out it is what we are even.
Well, we need to figure out what our base year is.
I just have faith that this is gonna be really hard to figure out.
We should figure out the astrological signs for these characters.
Well, I just figured out what I was writing for the day.
Figuring out meals, if that makes sense at all.
Can you figure out how to open the flap?
But when disaster struck a small nation, Paul figured out what to do with it.
Even for me, sometimes I want to think I'm smart and I got it all figured out.