Opening in your face used for eating, speaking, and breathing.
The mouth is the opening on the face of humans and many animals that is used for eating, speaking, and breathing. It contains the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands, which aid in these functions.
Take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth.
नाक से गहरी सांस लें और मुंह से सांस छोड़ें।
Exhale out through the mouth with sound.
When I get up in the morning, first thing, mouth is gross.
जब मैं सुबह उठता हूं, तो सबसे पहले, मुंह स्थूल होता है।
Oh it's got a happy and a sad mouth now.
ओह, अब उसे एक खुश और उदास मुँह मिल गया है।
She closes her eyes and opens her mouth and he feels himself doing the same.
वह अपनी आँखें बंद कर लेती है और अपना मुँह खोलती है और उसे लगता है कि वह खुद भी ऐसा ही कर रहा है।
She scoops two fingers through the goop and sticks it in her mouth.
वह गूप के माध्यम से दो उंगलियां निकालती है और उसे अपने मुंह में चिपका देती है।
LIAM: So you couldn't see through the mouth, it was just a dark maw.
Out through the mouth. Shake the head a little.
And exhale out through the mouth.
♪ ♪ - Have you ever tried to completely stuff your mouth with food?
♪ ♪ - क्या आपने कभी अपने मुंह को पूरी तरह से भोजन से भरने की कोशिश की है?
And exhale, drop it out, breathe out through your mouth.
Put it in your mouth and get off my stage.
इसे अपने मुंह में रखो और मेरे मंच से उतर जाओ।
And empty it out through the mouth, exhale.
The final reason to slow down is to allow more time for your mouth to keep up.
धीमा होने का अंतिम कारण यह है कि आप अपने मुंह को ठीक रखने के लिए अधिक समय दें।
They want that thin, thin slice that just melts in your mouth.
And then exhale out through the mouth.
Inhale in here, and exhale out through the mouth.
I don't have one yet. Let's do it. -I have a mouth though.
मेरे पास अभी तक एक भी नहीं है। चलिए इसे करते हैं। -हालांकि मेरा मुंह है।
Take a deep breath in through the nostrils and exhale out through the mouth .
There's a ribbon in my mouth for your, you know what I'm saying?
तुम्हारे लिए मेरे मुंह में एक रिबन है, तुम्हें पता है मैं क्या कह रहा हूं?
But of course, there are instances in which you want to engage mouth breathing.
My mouth eventually betrays what I'm really like inside.
मेरा मुँह अंततः उस चीज़ को धोखा देता है जो मुझे वास्तव में अंदर से पसंद है।
Inhaling in, and exhaling maybe out through the mouth.
To form words with your mouth without speaking aloud.
Mouthing is the act of forming words with your lips and tongue as if you are speaking, but without making any sound. It is often used to communicate silently or to practice speaking without being heard.
So words come out of our mouth, but we don't think the words in our head first.